Monday, January 5, 2009


Should smoking be allowed in public area?
There are many smoker in the world and the population of smoker increases
sharply in a year. However it is the personal matter and everyone has the right to smoke, but they still have to smoke in the smoking area.

The new law has been set up and start from this Sunday Jan.11th. People cannot smoke in the public area anymore. Such as school, hospital or even the KTV , pub
or bar. It could be like the place where the people more than three cannot be allowed to smoke. However, the fine is quite expensive, in order to have the entire regulation to restrict the smoker. Not only can it better to our living condition but also better to our health. Can you imagine that you wake up in the early morning and try to have a deep breath of the fresh air but you suddenly inhale the so-called second hand smoke.

In conclusion, the statistic indicates that the new law can help to reduce the population of smokers. And it can reduce the cigarette buts every where on the street.
However, we should cooperate this new law and try our best to let our environment better.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Issue: A Letter to My Best Friend

Dear Maggie:
How’s it going recently? It’s been a long time that I haven’t heard from you. How is your schoolwork? Is everything going well? I have been busy recently. Not only the exam but also lots of reports and assignments need to be done. I miss the time that we spent together so much.

Do you remember that we like to have an afternoon tea in the coffee shop, seeing the pedestrians pass by and discuss their clothing? We also like to go shopping together on the weekends and go to party on ladies night. I miss the time without stress when we did everything we wanted. Until now the memories in my mind are so clear. And my life in Auckland couldn’t have run so well without your great help. So I appreciate everything you had done for me. When you saw me off at the airport,both of us cried. It was the first time that we saw each other crying. I want to tell you that you are an important person in my life. You always took care of me as your younger sister. Now I came back to Taiwan,and it’s hard for us to meet each other again. Everytime I saw our pictures, the memories I had with you always come to my mind. And I do really want to see you again.

Also you will graduate from University soon ;I hope you can get your master degree soon. And everything going well. On the other hand,don’t forget me. I believe when we become older,the memories that we had will be kept in our mind forever.
Sincerely yours, Candance

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

I read this poem one year ago and I did really love it and still in my mind. Actually this poem is talking about life journey. As the title "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" the word woods which refer the death. And the writer use the personification way to show what is the meaning of life in his opinion. And the last two sentences
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Actually miles means life journey and before the man died, he had finished all his obligation.
As the sentence "But I have promises to keep" which means the responsiblity we have in our life.
So this poem means that there are many jobs that we have to finish before we pass away. There are lots of obligation that we have in our whole life.

Life is just like a long journey .