Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I guess it will be nice to have certain freedoms, to be seen as an "adult," but I feel like that's not news.Soo many years have gone already, I've learned so much. I felt like I was being an adult just coming back from AUS & NZ. What does it mean to be an adult anyway? Something I read the other day was saying the only difference is experience, not necessarily intelligence. Most kids are much smarter than so-called adults.

They see the world so plainly, directly, just as it is.While we hide behind and turns of alleyways or curtains of mists to hide what we want to say but still say it indirectly or to get what we want without showing that we want it explicitely.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My opinion of differ major

In my opinion, I don't agree that study just only for profit or earn the money. Every majors must has their main point and the meaningful thinking pattern. Some people said, we can be elevated by studying for advance degree. I definetely believe the way some people think about, not only can we input ourself but also we have different thinking pattern than others who have not be educated a lot. Furthermore, school provides diversity type of majors is for the reason that student can experience differ point of views in many ways. University education system is really open minded ,and students can give a try to many things.

However, people come to school not only just for how much can we earn when we started one's work career. We even can earn a lot from school that we can't buy it even you are rich or how higher degree you had already got.

At last, people have to keep learning anytime. No one is perfect or right. Trying to improve ourself is what we have to learn.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Life's game

This video game impressed me so much because I have never knew this video game before. The one of the main topics I am interested in is distance learning. The distance learning is getting more popular nowadays, which may be the method of learning one day, but there were few people knowing how to do or what to do. There are too many things we need to consider. For example, teachers don't know their students are learning hard or not or this system may need high speed internet or high quality computer set. These equipment's cost could be the pressure for parents. Thinking second life is a powerful tool.

Nevertheless, I believe it will happen in the future and be normal for people to live with. What's more, I really want to give a try as soon as possible.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Responsibility for environment protection issue

Enviornment protection is very important. In order to have a beautiful environment , not only government , but also all the citizens should work together. The deterioration of environment is a common problem in many countries. Nearly all governments have take measures to alleviate this situation.

However, concerns for environmental issue should be shared by the general public. Individuals ought to make conscious efforts to save energy and to keep our environment clean. In fact there are many things that the individuals can do. For example, we should try to reduce our dependence on privare car, use bicycles or take public transportation more often. By doing so, not only do we save energy and therefore reduce the release of CO2, which is a major greenhouse gas, we also become more healthy riding bicycles.

In addition, we can use more products made from recycled materials. Nevertheless, we should stop using plastic bags and disposable chopsticks which bring convenience but pollute the environment .

In a word, there are many things individuals can do to take our environment clean. If these efforts are shared by more people, we'll have a better life. And left a beautiful world for our sons.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Miss everything

The things we did, the things we said, coming back to me and make me smile again. You showed me how to face the truth. Everything that's good in me. I owe to you, though the distance that's between us. Now may seem to far. It will never separate us. Deep inside my mind, I know you are never gone, never far. In my heart is where you are, always close. I know you will be forever in my life . As long as time goes on, I swear to you if there's one thing I believe I will see you somewhere down the street again. Just like previous when I saw you in China town.

I've heard my mom said, people come into our lives for a reason (Bringing something we must learn.)

I still remember that you said to me, I have to learn how to grow up. The things,friends and you will be the part of my memories one day when I am old. I always try to forget the memories we had in Brisbane, but it's really hard.

Anyway I am always right by your side when you need me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am studying hardcore

Anyhow...as I said today is a terrific Friday morning...nice and white out side, but hot then hell ....~O~ coool~! Everybody is sleeping including...lazy brother&sister...lalala
It's been a week....well some exams and assignment are coming....I guess I shall say I am pretty tired out with what I got....but as usual....can do better....as we approach the second of the year~ we all should have new hopes and new goals...for all who's reading this blog...lets all look forward for a better academic year^^

A little procrastination.. since I am going crazy here. I need a break. I've been on line since 9am, and haven't left my seat for more than half an hour.. haha I dunno why it seems like I'm so hardcore studying for a supposedly easy class.. I think I studied more than I did for English grammar...AH.Anyways my next class is tomorrow night!Soo excited - Because I won't be coming back to my grandma's place!! yess I'll be home even I have finished it.

oh, not again. TYPHOON IS COMMING...I hate rain.It makes me feel so moody and depressed.No matter how hot it is, I like sunny days and about this my brother thinks I am weird. I heard it rains often in NEI HU...well, sucks for me.Everyone will be back to school, but I bet I am going to be stuck in here if the typhoon comes.I feel sorry for those who had to go back to school this weekend.Cheer up!!I gotta be metanlly + physically prepared for my sophomor year in university..hooo~ but this freaking long way that made me die outand exhausted...hehe..I am starting to get worried about myself how am I gonna adjust to real busy life from next month.Yea,I am in big trouble... dunno about my roommate, dunno how to start and where to start...well, let's change topic! Those things give me a headache!!

I am looking afford to hearing the horrible story from Cynthia...haha~~Hope you won't forget the plot.

Tired out

So much stress and homework have to move on, I am really exhausted Now. After finishing the cram school, I feel that I learn a lot from there. Truely, I prefer the cram school than school, because lots of subjets I had learened last year were not really helpful to me. I want to learn the useful English skill that I can put into practice in my daily life. Seriously,I dont know what else I could do to improve my English other than working hard on it
Well what is there to write about on blog? hmm......I don't feel like complaining or whining...so that leaves me with..well nothing really...But I will try to post anyhting that I can. However, I myself am not a blog fan so I could care less. Anyway I will post everything boring or funny....I think boring stuff will be the most.

Still a far away from my goal, many more to go. So I work mon-friday, even Saturday 6pm to 10pm. By the time I get home I still have a full day of activities to do, the only bad thing is I can't stay up late anymore.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Tired......

I'm tired.I've always had to be the grown up one, the responsible one, the who takes care of everything. I've always had to be the who stands alone. And I'm tired. Sometimes I wonder if I've missed my opportunity to let someone else take all that away. Sometimes I wonder if I've missed the chance to let someone take care of me for a change. I mean how many times does a person get those offers in life, probably not that many.

Isn't it pretty pathetic when you're only 21 and don't think you can fulfill your one goal in life anymore?I'm so tired.

i've heard people say that you'll feel much better after you've cried out all the frustration, sadness, and anger....

but what happens when the tears just won't come out????

Monday, September 22, 2008

Summer Vacation

Almost three months summer vacation have gone, everything has to come back to previous. I feel so tired but a little bit exciting for my new classes. Furthermore, I am really happy that I can go to cram school to improve my English Gramma skill. One more things, I miss Jimmy everyday...hahaha~Guess what? We haven't seen each other since 2004 I left from New Zealand.Recently, we went out several times and the atmosphere was excellent; on the other hand we talk on the cellphone almost everyday. Whatever, I hope we can keep in touch this time.

After traveling back from HK and Macau this summer vacation, I crush on HK's movie or songs. Although it was not my first time to go to HK, I still miss the experience I had there. I did really had good time and I will definitely go there again soon.

Conclusion, I had a very meaningful summer vacation this year, and Jimmy came back from NZ. Everything is going my way this time.
The male in this pic is not Jimmy I mention here.HE is my older brother