Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am studying hardcore I said today is a terrific Friday morning...nice and white out side, but hot then hell ....~O~ coool~! Everybody is sleeping including...lazy brother&sister...lalala
It's been a week....well some exams and assignment are coming....I guess I shall say I am pretty tired out with what I got....but as usual....can do we approach the second of the year~ we all should have new hopes and new goals...for all who's reading this blog...lets all look forward for a better academic year^^

A little procrastination.. since I am going crazy here. I need a break. I've been on line since 9am, and haven't left my seat for more than half an hour.. haha I dunno why it seems like I'm so hardcore studying for a supposedly easy class.. I think I studied more than I did for English grammar...AH.Anyways my next class is tomorrow night!Soo excited - Because I won't be coming back to my grandma's place!! yess I'll be home even I have finished it.

oh, not again. TYPHOON IS COMMING...I hate rain.It makes me feel so moody and depressed.No matter how hot it is, I like sunny days and about this my brother thinks I am weird. I heard it rains often in NEI HU...well, sucks for me.Everyone will be back to school, but I bet I am going to be stuck in here if the typhoon comes.I feel sorry for those who had to go back to school this weekend.Cheer up!!I gotta be metanlly + physically prepared for my sophomor year in university..hooo~ but this freaking long way that made me die outand exhausted...hehe..I am starting to get worried about myself how am I gonna adjust to real busy life from next month.Yea,I am in big trouble... dunno about my roommate, dunno how to start and where to start...well, let's change topic! Those things give me a headache!!

I am looking afford to hearing the horrible story from Cynthia...haha~~Hope you won't forget the plot.

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