Friday, September 26, 2008

Miss everything

The things we did, the things we said, coming back to me and make me smile again. You showed me how to face the truth. Everything that's good in me. I owe to you, though the distance that's between us. Now may seem to far. It will never separate us. Deep inside my mind, I know you are never gone, never far. In my heart is where you are, always close. I know you will be forever in my life . As long as time goes on, I swear to you if there's one thing I believe I will see you somewhere down the street again. Just like previous when I saw you in China town.

I've heard my mom said, people come into our lives for a reason (Bringing something we must learn.)

I still remember that you said to me, I have to learn how to grow up. The things,friends and you will be the part of my memories one day when I am old. I always try to forget the memories we had in Brisbane, but it's really hard.

Anyway I am always right by your side when you need me.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i'm sure these friends of yours have left footprints in your heart, and that's all that really matters. even though they may not be physically there with you, you have the treasure of something called "memories" :)