Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tired out

So much stress and homework have to move on, I am really exhausted Now. After finishing the cram school, I feel that I learn a lot from there. Truely, I prefer the cram school than school, because lots of subjets I had learened last year were not really helpful to me. I want to learn the useful English skill that I can put into practice in my daily life. Seriously,I dont know what else I could do to improve my English other than working hard on it
Well what is there to write about on blog? hmm......I don't feel like complaining or that leaves me with..well nothing really...But I will try to post anyhting that I can. However, I myself am not a blog fan so I could care less. Anyway I will post everything boring or funny....I think boring stuff will be the most.

Still a far away from my goal, many more to go. So I work mon-friday, even Saturday 6pm to 10pm. By the time I get home I still have a full day of activities to do, the only bad thing is I can't stay up late anymore.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

It seems that your grammar skill has improved a lot, really. You're right if we don't make efforts then we won't gain anything. So, hope I can hear more interesting things while you're improving yourself. Telling ghost stories is our next goal XD.