Monday, October 20, 2008


1. I think it is hard to say how much that girl should get per month or to persuade people how many things we can achieve successfully by our ability. Not only in Taiwan but many countries have this problem. People always regard that girls are tender and lack of working ability. I think Taiwan's cultural is one of the reasons that we always live in patriarchy’s society and we always think girls should stay at home doing housework. However, this stereotype gradually be changed and we accept girls have their own career. I think it’s really hard to change this concept instantaneously. Give it one step at a time, we will have more and more girls walk out from the kitchen to the office. What’s more, this issue would be solved sooner or later; School and society should work together and give people different concept. I think there will be no problem but change one step a time.

3. In my personal opinion, our society always gives the pressure to no matter male or female. We have the stereotype deep in our mind and can’t even get rid of it easily. For example, boys can’t cry out like girls express their emotion,boys should be brave to do anything and girls must be afraid of anything or should be like princess. Why do we have those idea in our mind? The reason is that our educations teach us like this and mass media spread out these kinds of message to the audience. we step by step accept this concept and use this way to judge people what you should do and shouldn’t do. Furthermore, why girls wear skirt or dress but boys have to wear pants. There are no any laws to tell people should be followed this way; We never really ponder why we should be like this. We absorb those concepts and try to be like this model type. It’s not our fault but the education and society have this traditional thinking pattern. So what we can do is following it and always like this.


Jeff said...

Some of this is pretty confusing. For example, these two sentences are hard to understand:

"Even girls space no effort to work hard but still hardly to be promoted and gain less paid than boys. Not only physical cannot compared with male but ability can’t let people trust in."

Ouch! Especially the second sentence-- it's kind of bizzare. Please revise; try rewriting a different way or using simpler, shorter sentences if you run into trouble.

Cynthia said...

It's shameful that people in Taiwan are limited to share their opinions by the traditional thoughts. However, I think you are not that kind of being limited person. You always speak out for your own, and that's PUNK! Don't follow the rules that made by Taiwan society; instead, they need someone to lead ahead. :D

Candance said...

Correct: Even though women do perfectly in the work place, they are still hard promoted and their salary are less than that of men.
I hope this time its a corret sentence...>_<