Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I wanna change my life style...because I am really tired...

I'm just not willing to sacrifice time for what is more important for me in the long term. well,is it more important? I'm not sure if it even matters. I guess that's why I'm not going for it. Instead I'm wasting my time on things that do not benefit me. Maybe, I really don't care that much about it anymore.
Maybe it's too much to ask because we've all got too much stuff to do. There are just too many goals to accomplish, and too many dreams to reach.This is the time when we all act like others are nothing and we are everything; in simpler words, it's when we act selfishly. It's when we put others down in order to reach the top.

I just have to keep reminding myself that the past is the past...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

people are selfish to the core. don't think too much, just give it one step at a time, you'll reach your goals/dreams in no time but you must be confident and strong :)