Thursday, October 23, 2008

traffic accident

Three days ago, I went out with Jimmy and he drove the car. Ok everything seems perfectly and nothing odd. After we had took the Ferris Wheel at Miramar, we went to Dan Shui(淡水). Then we took walk there and it was about 9:30pm; he drove me home and everything still going well. However, on the way home, we passed through Shilin (士林)...................WOW.....suddenly we bumped into the car in back. I just had seen there was a taxi that suddenly stopped at crossroad, but it was too late to see it. Then we bumped into the taxi entirely. I freaked out totally and my mind suddenly went blank. At mean time, Jimmy got off the car and negotiated with that driver. Then I called 110 for help. While both Jimmy and I turned around and walked back to the car; how incredible that taxi driver escaped instantly. But we didn't write down his license plate. We still waited for the police but 5 min. past then we still waited and waited. At last, Jimmy decided to leave but the police called me about 10 min. after. He said actually that we have to pay for that taxi and the police would fine us for hundreds. Because it was our fault that bumped into the car in back, even he stopped there. Anyway but we still fine, and it cost 16 thousand to fix his car ......But I don't need to pay for it....What a close!

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