Saturday, October 25, 2008


Like an old photograph, time can make a feeling fade,but the memory of a first love never fades away.

I took this pic when I was 16 in NZ. I still remembered What I usually did on weekend was going to church. I like the people there and I could talk to myself deeply there. I remembered that I always woke up early and took the bus to school at 6am. It was really tired but I never felt lazy to go to school. I always wonder if I hadn't been to NZ, I might have stayed in TW as usual high school student. Then my life must be boring as usual.

It's true that I always miss my life in NZ or AUS. Because it was entirely different from my life now. But I still keep in touch with my friends whom I met in NZ & AUS. Some of them came back to TW, and we like to talk about the good old times. We are always close because we had lived abroad together for years.

But I am looking forward to going abroad for my master degree. And of course thanks my parents give me such an affluent life .I must be satisfied with my status quo.

Me and my Japanese classmate

1 comment:

Kirby said...

Keep going, i believe you will reach your goal.
PS. id like to use internet but it was broken somtimes at maybe i can borrow your internet sometimes? Haha :)