Thursday, October 2, 2008

My fish

I'm lost and confused now. I just lost one of the best friends I've ever had. He and I went from high school to college together. He was always there for me, especially during those hard periods of transition. I would rant about how much I hated school and how much I hated everything surrounding me. And he would just look up and me and make little burp bubbles. We spent a lot of sick days together.

He is the inspiration for the entire last 2 years in my life . Nevertheless, the two dogs in my family always like to look at him and play with him. He listened to my joys, too--the few good moods I had, summers, graduation. I have many successes that wouldn't have taken place without him. My scholarships at CHU also when I was in AUS, he is always there for me even he is in TW.

I could come to him with anything. Life will be very different without him. And of course,he will always be my FISH.


blue200505's blog said...

I'm sorry to heard about that, I know the feeling because I also have fishes in my house. Anyway, hope you can be happy soon and I wish our study team can start as soon as possible!

Kirby said...

Feel sorry about that! I also have taken the burning interest in breeding fish and kind of like fish-holic. I know your feeling coz this situation had ever happened to my fish, and I could not believe that was true when having fish first time. Looking on the bright side, maybe now he was living in the another world happily ever after and never forget you. You will be alrite!