Thursday, October 16, 2008

My life is monotonous

Often times I sit up late at night and think about my day. Lately, I have nothing to ponder about, it's just life. I go from school to cram school and then home .When does the cycle end? I obviously don't want to leave any of the previous list so that is out of the question. I just wish that some days I could take a deep breath and actually breathe. I mean, my life isn't complicated or elaborate in any manner, I just feel as though I don't stop. If only I could sleep maybe this heaviness on my chest may subside and I might be able to fully comprehend where my life is leading me. Because, at this point, I feel as though my life is monotonous and going no where fast. Maybe I'm just too young to be able to know exactly where I want to go in life.

So that's mean I'm exhausted , can't think of anything to write anymore....As the topic MY LIFE IS MONOTONOUS.

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