Friday, October 3, 2008

Enviornment Protection Issue

In recent years, the rapid decrease of animal species and the global warming, more and more people realize the importance of environment protection. It's governments' responsibility to make environment protecting policies also to survey the environment conditions.

A lot of pollution comes from the factories and governments should survey their working condition regularly. If anyone sends off pollution illegally, the government should fine them seriously. We live in this world and it is our duty to protect our earth. First of all, we should have the consciousness to protect the environment. Secondly, we should start from what we do daily. Take me for example, I always ride the bike with my family from Nie Hu to dan shui. It takes me one and half hours by going there, but it is not tired at all. At present time, ride the bike instead of driving is really popullar in Taipei. Therefore, you can see lots of cycling team pass you by on the street.

I am really glad that I can do a little effort to make this world better, and I hope everyone can do their effort to this world too.

To sum up, Polar bear face the problem of extinction very quickly. I did really hope human being can think about it deeply.

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