Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking at my past and my series of unfortunate events,I never came to believe that I will experience this feeling again.I always thought that I knew what I was doing,and that I knew how to read the opposite since I have been through so much,and yet,three times,they proved me wrong.It's not that I didn't want to learn my lesson,but like everyone else,when there was hope,all I wanted to do was give in,and wait and wait to see if that little glimpse of hope would turn into something...Something real...
I was so close to giving up. So close to breaking down. So close to dying.But I through the rain and be stronger again.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm not a Christian, but there is a saying, "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it."

Sometimes you learn the greatest lessons in life through these obstacles. It's an opportunity because some do not get chances like these, hence they never learn it their entire life. I'm sure you're a smart and strong woman, you'll find a way through it. :)