Monday, November 10, 2008

Class assignment

1. Copying a few pages from Wikipedia and turning it in as your assignment.cheating
2. Asking someone else to write a few paragraphs of your paper for you—but you still do most of it.not cheating
3. Asking someone to proofread your assignment and fix the grammar mistakes for you.not cheating
4. Having someone read what you wrote and tell you if they can understand it or not. You take their ideas and fix what you wrote.not cheating
5. Using an article from an English language learning website by copying it and turning it in.cheating
6. Finding an article online that says exactly what you were thinking, so you just turn that in.cheating
7. Reading an article that you found online, thinking about it, and then writing a response in your own words.not cheating
8. Doing a writing assignment for one class and then turning it in for two, three, or even more classes because you are too busy to do another writing assignment.not cheating
9. Finding some writing online, but changing some of the verbs and nouns before you turn it in.cheating
10. Finding a paper online, but changing all of the verbs before you turn it in.not cheating
11. Copying an article that you found, but you don’t get caught so no one ever knows about it. cheating


Linda said...

I think the number 10 is cheating.
He or she just changes the verbs, but it still not his own article.

Kennis said...

The No.10 is not the same as mine
I think even thought you change all the verb,it is still that person's article.All the opinions are the same as original article.

blue200505's blog said...

We have different opinion about question 10. I think if you only changing all of the verb, then this article is still not in your own words.