Monday, November 24, 2008

Whale war

After watching the video of hunting the whale, I felt so sad and terrible. I can’t believe that at mean time many people try so hard to protect the whale but some of others try to kill them for food and sell out for money. Have they ever thought about whale’s feeling? They are really smart and thoughtful. However, Japanese said that they hunt the whale for research but at same time they might sell it for money. Japanese government does not solve this problem and set the law to restrict hunting. However, there is an organization to protect the whale from being hunting.
Two sides war might last longer or one day it will stop when the whale are all disappear. But when they really disappear the ecological might lose balance. And there might be thousands of fish breed in the ocean and destroy the silence of ocean it used to be. Because human beings have the ability of killing so we have to take by force other creatures’ life? I think humans are really rude and cruel compared with other animals. So I really hope we can stop killing the animal.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Your animal words should all be plural-- whales, animals, ect