Friday, November 7, 2008

I got stuck in the rally

I was damn tired last night( sorry for using such word, but I was really angry). Ok last night I finished the cram school at 5:30, then I waited for the bus at Taipei Train Station over 20 minutes. However, I used to wait for the bus only 5 minutes. And I took the MRT instead, I thought I could go home soon. But WHAT???? When I walked out the MRT station, I heared the really loud noisy. But I though it was too many people that's why it was like that. Now, not yet finished my terrible way home; I have to wait for the bus again, because there is no any MRT station near my home. Yet, I waited for it almost half hour, and it was like hunderds of people waited there.Therefore, I walked to another bus stop to wait for bus..............HOW COME?? There was a rally and thousands of people stood there. I GOT STUCK INSIDE WITH THEM. I couldn't walk out to other place.......I called my dad for emergency.....BUT IT WAS REALLY NOISY. Even my dad couldn't come there to pick me up. I couldn't find a police for help because they all the riot police and didn't answer my question, just stood there and stared at me. Even Police set up barbed-wire barricades to keep the protesters away from the Grand Hotel.However, I took taxi home...but I still got stuck in the traffic jam for nearly 3 hours. It was quite mess. Anyway, I really donno what are those people thinking about, and they are really like the riot. Those so-called political figures are all POLITICIANS. People just like thier dummy and election tool to let them reach thier own benefit. It was really like a political show. PLEASE .... stop doing thier DUMMY to be a celever people OK???

And think of those people who have to go home, and we are really tired of getting stuck in traffic jam....

1 comment:

blue200505's blog said...

I feel shamed about Taiwan's political violence, I even don't want to watch TV news these days.