Friday, November 21, 2008


Q1.In fact, lots of people cheat in test and assignment and they always use this way to pass the test. Nevertheless, not only in high school but also right now in University some of my classmate who did really cheat almost the time. Aspecially in university, the problem is really serious and it is hard to solve it. But in Taiwan ,teacher always lay emphasis on the SCORE but they don't really care about how much you really learn from school. Score is everything in Taiwan. So that's why students chose to cheat.

Q2. I think if you caught plagiarizing assignments in such as top excellent university in Taiwan, you would be given a falling grade and record a demerit or even expel from school. But I think in other poor private university in Taiwan , they don't really care about it. However, I think people who chose to cheat might give them a certain punishment which would sufficient deterrent it. But I prefer to have the punishment of a falling grade, and give those people who cheat in assignment and exam a chance.

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