Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nothing to do with politics

It's nothing to do with politics,but something regarding your level, your attitude, the education you've received, and your emotional quotient.There are neaely half of people on your msn list, including me, have aleady bacome "trash", "animal", "low level", and "brainless", as you describes them/me like this on your nickname.So, if this is the only way you can state your opinions(since your ability is not allowing you to form a better sentence),please, write it somewhere else, and show respects to your freinds. And one more important thing is,I don't think you are good enough to call me animal,as you cant even form a polite expression, but I can.I am so grown! (like McSteamy in Grey's)Okay, apparently I cant write anything without bullshitting hahaha

1 comment:

blue200505's blog said...

haha~I know what you talking about the unfair thing~ I think the weapon(小鋼珠)is ready....