Friday, November 28, 2008


DAMN...... Why do I become SOOO FAT?? I used to like 44~45 KG but NOW 54 KG....I don't know why can I eat soo much things recent years. My mom always tells me that I used to really skinny before I went abroad for years but after I came back everything is changed. I throw all my clothes aways coz all of them are S, and now I should wear M...>_<But now I go to swim almost everyday and I don't have dinner even I am really hungry..Now I am losing weight .......and I can feel that my jeans are more space for me to fit in with.....Hope I will be in HOT SHAPE in few months...
Those girls in the pictures are sooooooo HOT...When Can I become like them???


Rachel said...

You are beautiful.
That's all you need to believe.

Jeff said...

I think we are exposed to models and taught to desire them and to want to be them at such a young age that we are programmed to do it without even thinking now.

Most of these women portray unrealistic body types for most women; some models are very unhealthy (a runway model actually died in Brazil a few months ago while walking down the runway; she had starved herself).

So definately get exercise and be healthy, but don't obsess over looking like a barbie doll.