Monday, November 24, 2008

Issue:Economic Recession

The whole world is facing the problem of global financial crisis and job riot. Living is hard nowadays and people are afraid of facing everyday that the whole world’s economic is getting worse. Therefore, the rate of people committing suicide is getting higher and higher. Everybody wants to ask when we will go through this hard time.

Nowadays, the price of article for daily use is much higher than the price before, but the pay we earn is getting lower and lower. Even the people who have master degree are hard to have a proper job to do. At least they still have a job to survive. Not only in Taiwan, but the whole world’s economic target United State is in the finance storm. Some analysts or Fed official say the poor economy likely last and may even get worse. I always wonder about my future and what kind of job I can really have. Are we really ready for this world? It’s the question in everyone’s heart but we never get the answer. Nevertheless, I think our government does not do effort to force those businessmen rising the price when the cost of raw materials kept rising ,reducing the product price when the raw materials become lower nowadays. In fact, all of politicians should do things for people not only saying the political slogan to deceive people. Some people say the economy is just like the four seasons in a year. Therefore, this time of economy cycle is facing the winter.

Last but not least, the only small effort we can do is saving the money and buying the stuffs which are on sale. Although, we still have a long way to go through, the most important thing is to cherish the things that we have now. Perhaps those things will disappear one day and not get them back anymore. Hence, go through the economic crisis is what we want in this moment.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Yeah, things are getting pretty bad. I think the best thing you can do for now is study hard and try to come up with at least a vague plan and a backup plan that you can prepare for.

The only other thing you can do is be smart with your money.