Monday, November 10, 2008

My thought of cheating

Well, in my personal opinion, I will give them a chance to fix their mistake. Sometimes, they don't think twice before make the decision. The meaning of education is to let student learn from school and the well behavior. So of course we should give them the chance of learning . However, the previous mistakes have already done; the one thing that I will let them do is to work harder than before and have more assignment for one month or more. Depands on how many mistakes they have done.

Actually I do not care about the classmate who plagiarism in this class. Because it is the chance that she/ he miss learning from here. But what if her/ his score is higher than me , I will tell him/her that do not make the mistake again and again. Maybe it is really difficult for him/ her to learn and write Englsih. But give it one step at a time , I sincerely believe that the English ability will elevate gradually.

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