Monday, November 3, 2008


Education and success
Everyone knows that education is essential for us. Yet, most of people believe that education is a short cut leading to success. It might not entirely true but it is a fundamental and efficient way to achieve our goal. That is to say, being successful depends on other abilities such as practical experience, opportunity or sometimes luck.
However, when we are in university which does offer a lot of courses and resources to let us strengthen our foundation. Thus, we can have more opportunities to compete with others. Nevertheless, we can find that most of successful person have excellent education background. Almost all of them graduated from master degree or kept learning even they had enough ability to cope with their works. Therefore, we have to delay enjoyment and get more professional knowledge and training in our learning process. Recent years, the economic recession has got worse; hence, lots of people complain that they have no opportunities to find the job yet they have advance degree. In fact, opportunities exist nearly everybody if you prepare already to grasp it. Taking me as an example, I had never thought that I could get the scholarship in university. I dare to say that I could not be successful if I didn’t study hard by myself. When my classmates plan to go out for fun, I always stay at dorm studying English instead. Because I do not attend to an excellent university, and that’s why I have to study hardcore to make up for it. Nevertheless, I believe in myself that I can success at last. Trying my best and being confident is the way that I always tell myself.
Last but not least, I firmly believe if we want to be a successful person, we must spare effort to complete our obligation or works. Attitude is always the main portion leading successful. Thus, we must study all our lives to improve our shortcoming.


Jeff said...

Whether you go to the best university in the world or a small community college in your hometown one thing is always true: you get out of it what you put into it, so work hard.

Rachel said...

Wow, that's one great comment, Jeff!