Thursday, November 20, 2008

I fail at eating

NO! That does not mean I'm anorexic, it just means that I'm picky about whats on my plate.
I won't eat CURRY, mushrooms, fish, seaweed, chicken feet, pig feet, etc. YUCK.
So today, my mom was going to kill me if I didn't eat her curry, I feel SO sick, I want to throw up so bad now...but I won't because :
A) After taste is NASTY

B) It gets stomach acid on my teeth, and I really wouldn't want my teeth to be digested
C) Bad breath!
Like, some curry is okay, but my mom's curry, OH MY GOD, I've been having to deal with it all my life, I mean she doesn't make it alot, but every time she makes it, I'm done for like 10000000000000 years. What's worse? She puts coconut milk in it, I want to throw up,I think this is punishment for not waking up early enough to study!!!

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