Saturday, December 13, 2008


After school today, I hung out with Ashley. It was fun. I bought her some mcdonalds and then we chilled at her house. We talked, we laughed, we did homework together [thanks for the help Ashley!] and we even helped her look for scholarships and what not. Lol you're probably thinking wow, such nerds, but all well, I dont really care, we still had fun just hanging out with each other. We haven't done so in forever! She is one of the few that I can spill most of my secrets to with a shoulder to cry on. Hopefully I can make it to her Christmas party. It would be so much fun! Now I just got back and I'm at home. Such a depressing and uneasy place to be. I'm so lonely here and bored out of my mind. My bed is the only comfortable place I can lay and just feel somewhat relaxed. So I guess I'm just going to change my clothes and lay in my bed; mMmmm cozy. =_= zZzZz

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