Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I want....BREAK...

I think waking up and doing what I'm supposed to do in the morning makes me in a good mood for the rest of the day. At least that's what happened almost when I am home. hahha. Except for the fact that I am in the dorm.Nothing exciting happened today at all. It was just a basic day. But I'm waiting for going my sweet sweet home tomorrow. I can't can't can't wait. I had therapy today and Wendie seems really worried about me. I'm worried about me too.I don't belong in this kind of environment, I'm too sensitive and sick of going through the same disgusting routine everyday. However, I think I'll go do my homework. I just want to have a real long break for the real relax....haha~~I really don't know why many people can enjoy thier university life so much....But on the other hand....I did really grow up in these years..

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