Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't wait for 12.31 comming.First, I can stay at home and enjoy the holiday. Second, I can see many singers on TV and follow the one I like the most just only change the channel. haha~~and I can't wait for the winter vacation also. I really want to have a holiday and I can take a rest instead of taking a lot of time on coming back from here to Taipei. Actually I am accounting the days last till the holiday every minutes. Just exaggerate the situation how much I want for holiday...I can't deny that I spend so much time on taking bus from home to Taipei Train Station. Even on weekend, I still have classes to go to.Therefore, I need a long break right? And what else, 12.23 is my 21 year- old birthday. Sigh~~I am really ADULT now and I hate of being old.

1 comment:

Karina W. said...

I think it is comfortable to stay at home, and watch TV on the bed in the 12.31, but I think the day with friends is more fun right? Maybe you shouldn't stay at home!!
Do you have any plan about your birthday?