Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life Flies By

Lately, at the end of almost every day, I feel like my life is just flying past by me so fast and that I never seize the moment to realize and make the most out of it. Everyday is the same routine over and over. Go to school, come home fall asleep, wake up at midnight, work on my homework, and get ready to go to school, get on the bus, go to school, and start all over again. Yea if you notice I have a irregular sleeping schedule for some reason.Lately everything has been so boring even though I keep telling myself that I live a fun life. I mean I've started playing tennis now and getting strong muscles in my legs.. But I dont think that's anything to really be happy about.
I've been staying up so late and this month has been so freaking crazy. Portfolios and tests and quizes and open responses. Like I'm soooooo burned out that my grades just keep dropping.SO IN CONCLUSION I CANT WAIT TILL WINTER BREAK BECAUSE I REALLY NEED IT. I wish I had that someone I can really talk to and tell me that everything will be okay, you know just someone to hug me and know that something is wrong without even asking and just be there for me.
I know my friends are here for me but, sometimes a guy at a time like this would just be great for stressful times like this. Too bad I'm single.

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