Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's times like these I really wonder why I wasn't enough. Why you had to have more, something I couldn't give you. Something I couldn't be.I hate when people smoke and they don't inhale. You're not cool, people don't like you more, and you're pissing away your money. Way to go, buddy.Bemusing enough, the way I treat people. Why do they stand for it? What joy can that possibly bring? Being talked down to isn't enough? What else do I have to do for you to get the hint?Why do you come back all of a sudden? Make me think of us, make me think of what went wrong. I don't like remorse, I don't like knowing I was a fool and couldn't see the truth. Please... just disappear again.Maybe I should learn to live life at the age I am, not worrying about what's to come.

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