Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To Janice & Kennis

I really want to say thank you to Janice. First, we always study together, eat together sometimes exercise together. I appreciate that she always there for me and help me for many things. I would like to answer her question when she confused with English. I don’t feel how silly the question is and I feel glad that I can help her out. However, I don’t feel shamed to ask her question, because I know that we learn together and become better together. She works so hard on studying and achieves her goal. Also Kennis is really a nice girl and always gives me a hand when I need it. She always works out with Janice and me. I can’t describe how nice both two people I met in CHU in words. I am really LUCKY ….really….Thanks Kennis always let me bother you and Janice …..I always laugh Really Loudly…..haha~~AGAIN….THANK YOU GIRLS ALWAYS BY MY SIDE…

1 comment:

blue200505's blog said...

I know I'm a nice girl! haha! I hope we can always have good times
when we in CHU. Maybe one day we can stay in TKU together!