Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm Freaking OUT Man~

So there was an incident that happened to me today at school. It was really scary. I never thought of myself as superwoman and being invincible from everything, but I always thought of myself being a pretty healthy person that wouldn't get seriously ill/sick. It happened so suddenly and I was freaking out because I didn't know what the hell was going on with my body. I've told my boy friend and my best friend and they say it could be diabetes. O Kayyy? WTF? That's pretty scary for me and to be honest I think they could possibly be right because everything that happened to me, were the same exact stuff that happened to my other best friend. She went to the hospital to get it checked out and they said she had low blood sugar levels and her little brother has the same problems too and he has diabetes too! I'm so scared. I have to get a physical soon for joining track and field, so I'll just have to ask my doctor about it.... I'm stressing out now and this isn't good before my 21 birthday.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Obviously I can't tell you what you have or don't hve, but diabetes is very, very serious. If you even suspect you have it you need to go to the doctor right away and not wait a day longer.