Monday, December 8, 2008

Harvey Milk

After watching this video, I think we should be rational and ponderthis issue. Sometimes we have different opinions with others that weshould respect the differences and learn from it. Because violencecan't not solve the problem at all. In this case, the killer might hasa bias of Harvey Milk's sexual orientation. However, we can learn thatHarvey Milk is a really open minded and successful supervisor. I think we should really learn how to respent other's differences. Things not always go our ways,so we should learn from it. No matter the color,social position or sex, we should respect all the different people's different opinion. However, we would never learn from others and just in our own small worlds. Sometimes we should listen other people's opinion and suggestion. Because all the decision we make which the outcoming is not always the correct. Learning is the important job that we have to do every day. Even you were old or had many experinces which you still might have wrong concept. Thus people who use the volient to solve any problem is not allow in any countries.

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