Sunday, December 7, 2008


Today is a new day and I’m glad because Saturdays are my days to relax. I woke up just a few minutes ago with the pain from the week’s activities. I’m not rushing to get up from my bed at all because once I get up I know that my father will have a number of chores for me to do.
I am so ready for my mom to come back home. She has the ability to do a billion things at once and still have a smile on. We are trying to take a little stress off of her because she hasn’t been doing to good. Her dad, my papa is in the hospital right now and she has been taking it really hard. She is with him right now and I hope everything is going well so keep her in your prayers everyone please.
On a happier note, I get to bond with my brother, sister, and daddy. I am really close with my mother so it’s nice to get that same relationship with them too. Today we are going out to have lunch and hang out. I don’t know how that is going to turn out but hopefully all will be fun.

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