Sunday, December 28, 2008


I was recently told by a friend of mine that she was looking up the meaning of life. Some people see this as something that humans cannot comprehend. But why is that, why is it that humans cannot say hey thats what life is all about. People around me say you work work and then you die basically. This world is full of people like this. That is NOT life. Now I'm not condoning for people to just get up and quit jobs but why do we work so hard and don't enjoy life? I see my family saying go to college graduate go to grad school graduate and then go to work then retire. They say that when your retire you can do all the things you want to do but in my honest opinion that is total and utter bullshit by the time your finally done working your whole time to old and tired to do anything your dreams have slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. You sit back and see how you wasted your youth doing NOTHING wasting all of our potential just to please the fuckers that call themselves your friends and families.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Yeah no one should waste their life in the hope of finally learning to live after they retire. That sounds pretty miserable to me.

Let me know if you discover the meaning of life. The best place to start looking is in books.