Wednesday, December 31, 2008

step by step

Life isn't at all that simple for me lately. I've been stressing a lot, thinking too much, and burrying myself in a hole that shows no way out. Sometimes I feel as if all is useless. Sometimes I believe that things'll never change. Other times, I just want to give up!
It's true though, that when I see the the results of my hard work, I feel happy, satisfied, and accomplished. But if and when I come across an obstacle and already make up my mind that I can't overcome it, things get bad. I see no way out. I see only the unreal and negative sides of me. I don't see what I have succeeded in doing so far, but only how much further I have to go. From the very beginning, I acknowledged and accepted that there would be hardships, that it would be a life long journey.

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