Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Issue:Things to hear

I think that one of the most amazing things in the world is to hear your friends talk about traveling right after they've come home. It is a truly wonderful thing to listen to their stories and see the excitement in their eyes. It is something that I always hear from my friends.

I think that one of the saddest things in the world is to listen to your friends talk about how they have been hurting and knowing that there is nothing you can do for them but listen. I have two friends right now that are in especially hard times, and at least a couple more that are having tough times. It stinks. I love my friends, and I just want them to all be happy. =( But I thank God that they will all get through their struggles eventually and will hopefully be better in the end because of them.

Candy she is one of my friends I 've known her for 5 yrs, but her parents not get along well for yrs, and it did really hurts her. Anyway I always try my best to help her, and hope she will be stronger.


Today I woke up at 10 am and read the's 2009 now. The new beginning is waiting for me to learn more, right? And after two weeks, there comes the Chinese New Year. How busy it is in Jan. However, I am thinking about what should I do in this winter I will learn how to drive the car. Because I learn that it is really convenient to go out with car not bus. Sometimes I force to go home before the last bus or MRT. It quite disappointed me.REALLY.

ok this weekend I have so many things to do, because final is coming. Cram school still~
Seems like 2008 and 2009 or even 20010 will be all the same to me..haha~~

step by step

Life isn't at all that simple for me lately. I've been stressing a lot, thinking too much, and burrying myself in a hole that shows no way out. Sometimes I feel as if all is useless. Sometimes I believe that things'll never change. Other times, I just want to give up!
It's true though, that when I see the the results of my hard work, I feel happy, satisfied, and accomplished. But if and when I come across an obstacle and already make up my mind that I can't overcome it, things get bad. I see no way out. I see only the unreal and negative sides of me. I don't see what I have succeeded in doing so far, but only how much further I have to go. From the very beginning, I acknowledged and accepted that there would be hardships, that it would be a life long journey.


Besides writing this blog... I'm merely sitting at my desk here, listening to music. I like things simple. The simplest of things excite me; they make me happy. It's why my life is so wonderful! All the little things mean everything to me. Finding a new music CD provides hours of entertainment. Listening online is like the greatest time ever. I don't ask or need much to lead a fulfilling life. I wish more people understood that.

Tonight I just went to Dinner with my dear WENDIE the girl who I always play and talk with no matter here or in Aus. um~what's more?We like to talk the good old days and all the funniest things. SO I didn't go out for celebrating the New Year but watch TV for 2 hrs. And keep working on my assignment.....However..Cram school tomorrow


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Life is sometimes beautiful and struggle...No matter how hard you try to under your control but you still cannot predict the result surely. Life might bring you a lots of unforgettable memories but might takes away the stuffs or people you love. Two of my grandfathers have been passed away in this year. There are many of my friends came back to Taiwan. People are passing by from my life ....They might really meaningful to me or some of them just like the passenger in my life. When I gradually grow up, I realize my life that is not always wonderful like fairy tale..When I became closer with my grandmother at same time I lost my grandpa. I couldn't find the answer of the meaningful of life..and I couldn't control what it will be happened next moment. Everyone's life is like a story and he has his own story own memories..
Now I just want to tell my parents my elder sis and bro that how much I love them. I am really lucky to be the one in this family.And because of them, my life has became meaningful...

Issue:Girls talk

To all girls in a heart break. Because the one you love is with somebody else. And you are waiting on the side line, don't waste your time. Don't hurt yourself like this, you can do way better. If he really did love you, he would make you his number one priority. And wouldn't even be with another girl, right after you guys broke up. At this moment, you think its the end of the world, its not. What brings you down, can only make you stronger.

You may have had good memories with him, but you can always make new memories with someone else. Don't let him drag you around everywhere, like a little puppet. Following his every need. He may make you feel like your the only on in his world, but he's just fooling around with you.You may feel as if you'll never be able to move on, but trust me, you will. Don't beat yourself up, crying over him, he isn't worth it. Don't let his words get to you anymore. He may tell you he still has feelings, he may tell you he still wants to get back, and he may tell you to wait. Don't be the rebound... Yes he may be your "first love" but you'll make new love on the way. Build a stronger relationship then you once had. It's normal to think of him constantly, and crying over him once in awhile.

Your feelings with start to fade away, it won't go away all at once. It may take months or even years. But there are always other guys that can treat you way better. Though they may not have the qualities of your last ex..just remember, they can always treat you better. His promises will mean nothing to you, soon as you find someone else that can treat you better.

I want....BREAK...

I think waking up and doing what I'm supposed to do in the morning makes me in a good mood for the rest of the day. At least that's what happened almost when I am home. hahha. Except for the fact that I am in the dorm.Nothing exciting happened today at all. It was just a basic day. But I'm waiting for going my sweet sweet home tomorrow. I can't can't can't wait. I had therapy today and Wendie seems really worried about me. I'm worried about me too.I don't belong in this kind of environment, I'm too sensitive and sick of going through the same disgusting routine everyday. However, I think I'll go do my homework. I just want to have a real long break for the real relax....haha~~I really don't know why many people can enjoy thier university life so much....But on the other hand....I did really grow up in these years..

Monday, December 29, 2008

Busy day

Today definitely could not be any longer and busier what a nutty day. I woke up at 7 this morning! yeah I was flipping out and I didnt want to go to class in the worst way but I actually got to school on time. I just grow to hate that more and more everyday. Last night I was busy on my essay nothing exciting but it was nice to meet the end of semester. YAAA Cool and the New Year is on the corner then it's time for me to go home again and still work on all my assignment. WHAT A SURPRISE. Then after that I still have to go to cram school on Jan.1..What a pitty girl I am. But I did really learn a lot in 2008. However new start new beginning ...NEW ME...Hahaha


In my opinion, I think Chinese culture is more conservative than foreign society. Thus, the film in the past of Taiwan is not that open to show the homosexual relationship. The most common relationship in the drama or movie is the opposite sexual love. In Asia society, we don’t really like to show the different from others. Our society is still traditional and conservative to judge people’s behavior and moral concept. So we would like to see anything by traditional ways. Such like the drama or movie, we still like to have the opposite sex relationship in the plot instead of homosexual’s. Because most of the people in Taiwan still cannot accept this kind of different mold of love. We still have a really traditional concept deep in our mind. However, people gradually can accept the homosexual relationship and regard them as normal love. So now we can see a few homosexual movies or dramas have shown in Taiwan. Compared with foreign society, we indeed accept this difference slower than others. But at least, we can regard them as normal relationship.
Question 3
As we know, there are more and more people bravely to show their sexual orientation. When I walk on the street, the homosex can easily to be seen in Taipei. So that means they can feel free to show their physical affection without any fears. Every time when I see them, I don’t feel any different. Because it’s true love too, no one restrict people have to fall in love with the opposite sex. Of course there is no law to rule people which relationship is the correct way. Furthermore, people have the right to show their physical affection even it's different from most people. Love is not judge by sex, color or age. But true love is what we really want.No matter lesbian or gay, the relationship they have is true love. Thus, I don't feel any special about their relationship and most of the people can accept them too. So no matter both of lesbian or gay relationship they kiss on the street or have a real big hug that it is their right to show their loves to each other. Like opposite sex relationship they do the same way as them, so why do we have to use different standard to judge homosex relationship? So we should accept all the different love from all the different people

No matter your sex age or color, just love your own way and true heart.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I was recently told by a friend of mine that she was looking up the meaning of life. Some people see this as something that humans cannot comprehend. But why is that, why is it that humans cannot say hey thats what life is all about. People around me say you work work and then you die basically. This world is full of people like this. That is NOT life. Now I'm not condoning for people to just get up and quit jobs but why do we work so hard and don't enjoy life? I see my family saying go to college graduate go to grad school graduate and then go to work then retire. They say that when your retire you can do all the things you want to do but in my honest opinion that is total and utter bullshit by the time your finally done working your whole time to old and tired to do anything your dreams have slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. You sit back and see how you wasted your youth doing NOTHING wasting all of our potential just to please the fuckers that call themselves your friends and families.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm 21yrs old NOW

I can't believe that I am 21 years old now. I still remember when I was 18, I can't wait to being adult. But now I really hope I could stop at this age this moment. Anyway thanks all my friends celebrate my birthday with me and all the best wishes.I really love you guys.

These days I feel so dizzy and I really can 't find the answer for it. But I should study more now, it's been a long time I haven't review my cram school's assignment. So it's time for me to move on right?

Monday, December 22, 2008

I can't wait for 12.31 comming.First, I can stay at home and enjoy the holiday. Second, I can see many singers on TV and follow the one I like the most just only change the channel. haha~~and I can't wait for the winter vacation also. I really want to have a holiday and I can take a rest instead of taking a lot of time on coming back from here to Taipei. Actually I am accounting the days last till the holiday every minutes. Just exaggerate the situation how much I want for holiday...I can't deny that I spend so much time on taking bus from home to Taipei Train Station. Even on weekend, I still have classes to go to.Therefore, I need a long break right? And what else, 12.23 is my 21 year- old birthday. Sigh~~I am really ADULT now and I hate of being old.

Comment of Harvey Milk

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stay at HOME

Soo many things I want to do on this moment. I want to eat kimchi,see my friends come back from AUS&NZ, see my lovely 2dogs and my elder brother. Sigh....I always feel sad about staying here, because I can't do anything at all. First, here is not Taipei,so I can't go out so easily and coveniently. Second, my home is in Taipei not here...So above those 2 reasons I really want to go home everyday. I always wonder why do I have home sick so bad??haha~~Because I feel soooooo comfortable to be home and there is always a girl called Lena (she is Philippine) that does evrything for me..haha~~Cool right? So I really addicted to stay at home. However, there are many people asking me where will I go on 12.31..and the answer is....STAYING AT HOME!! haha


Oh Britney
I'm sitting here watching Britney Spears:For the Record and I have to admit that I will always and forever love britney spears. When I was 15 she was like my hero!! and I still love her. And a comercial for her new concert just came on and I hella wanna go!!!But too far away... I know I'm crazy but it's BRITNEY SPEARS. No matter how crazy she was she will always be aweosme. I totally respect her for everything she has been through and how she is still ok you know?? I love her still. And she is always hot and sexy. Even when she was fat^^

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My mom worries about me every second

I don't understand my mother. Not one bit. Don't get me wrong I love her to death but I don't understand her way of thinking. Maybe it's just one of things that I won't understand until I have kids of my own. I can't believe she always worries about me and tries to talk to me on the phone every second. I don't really want to tell her that I am safe in the school even I can't go to city easily. I think until I were 50, my mom still thinks that I am always a child. Again, I don't have child now, so I will never think of that way. However, I love my mom and also my dad(Sorry to put you behind mom) haha~~Anyway I will take care of myself and study hard^^

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life Flies By

Lately, at the end of almost every day, I feel like my life is just flying past by me so fast and that I never seize the moment to realize and make the most out of it. Everyday is the same routine over and over. Go to school, come home fall asleep, wake up at midnight, work on my homework, and get ready to go to school, get on the bus, go to school, and start all over again. Yea if you notice I have a irregular sleeping schedule for some reason.Lately everything has been so boring even though I keep telling myself that I live a fun life. I mean I've started playing tennis now and getting strong muscles in my legs.. But I dont think that's anything to really be happy about.
I've been staying up so late and this month has been so freaking crazy. Portfolios and tests and quizes and open responses. Like I'm soooooo burned out that my grades just keep dropping.SO IN CONCLUSION I CANT WAIT TILL WINTER BREAK BECAUSE I REALLY NEED IT. I wish I had that someone I can really talk to and tell me that everything will be okay, you know just someone to hug me and know that something is wrong without even asking and just be there for me.
I know my friends are here for me but, sometimes a guy at a time like this would just be great for stressful times like this. Too bad I'm single.

Issue :Sexiness

What makes you feel sexy?Is it the clothes, underwear, perfume/cologne you wear?The way you fix your hair?Muscles? Your shape? The way you Sing/Dance?When some one sweet talks to you?
I saw on the cover of a magazine the word SEX. So I guess it just made me wonder about what makes people feel sexy.People feel sexy in different ways.I'm not going to lie, I feel sexy sometimes.Sometimes it'll be because of the way I look.Sometimes it'll be because of the the way I dance.Sometimes it'll be because of the type of clothes I may wear.Sometimes it'll be because of the less clothes I wear. Ahah.Hormones can play a part in feeling sexy too. They can switch up your mood and make you feel really seductive.But weird enough, when other people compliment how hot I may look,it's sort of a turn off for me and makes me feel less sexy. It's because I know there are so many fake people out there who are willing to lie to just make you feel good or get something out of you, or they just don't want to hurt your feelings and tell you that you look BUSTED!
However, that's only when strangers tell me that because I know my family are straight up blunt with me and my friends will even be honest to me and tell me that I don't even match some days lol.


After school today, I hung out with Ashley. It was fun. I bought her some mcdonalds and then we chilled at her house. We talked, we laughed, we did homework together [thanks for the help Ashley!] and we even helped her look for scholarships and what not. Lol you're probably thinking wow, such nerds, but all well, I dont really care, we still had fun just hanging out with each other. We haven't done so in forever! She is one of the few that I can spill most of my secrets to with a shoulder to cry on. Hopefully I can make it to her Christmas party. It would be so much fun! Now I just got back and I'm at home. Such a depressing and uneasy place to be. I'm so lonely here and bored out of my mind. My bed is the only comfortable place I can lay and just feel somewhat relaxed. So I guess I'm just going to change my clothes and lay in my bed; mMmmm cozy. =_= zZzZz

I'm Freaking OUT Man~

So there was an incident that happened to me today at school. It was really scary. I never thought of myself as superwoman and being invincible from everything, but I always thought of myself being a pretty healthy person that wouldn't get seriously ill/sick. It happened so suddenly and I was freaking out because I didn't know what the hell was going on with my body. I've told my boy friend and my best friend and they say it could be diabetes. O Kayyy? WTF? That's pretty scary for me and to be honest I think they could possibly be right because everything that happened to me, were the same exact stuff that happened to my other best friend. She went to the hospital to get it checked out and they said she had low blood sugar levels and her little brother has the same problems too and he has diabetes too! I'm so scared. I have to get a physical soon for joining track and field, so I'll just have to ask my doctor about it.... I'm stressing out now and this isn't good before my 21 birthday.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who am I ?

I dream to be somewhere else. If I could fly. If I could fly fast ,I would do anything to be there right now.I think I just ran out of happiness...that optimism from days ago just vanished.I'm tired of smiling because everyone smiles tired of talking for the sake of doing. So tired of being so pretentious...who knows. Maybe this is just who I am. I used to have a life...I used to be myself. Now I don't even know who I really am...Feels like I'm the creation of people around me.I am whoever they want me to be...
lack of identity...?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Harvey Milk

After watching this video, I think we should be rational and ponderthis issue. Sometimes we have different opinions with others that weshould respect the differences and learn from it. Because violencecan't not solve the problem at all. In this case, the killer might hasa bias of Harvey Milk's sexual orientation. However, we can learn thatHarvey Milk is a really open minded and successful supervisor. I think we should really learn how to respent other's differences. Things not always go our ways,so we should learn from it. No matter the color,social position or sex, we should respect all the different people's different opinion. However, we would never learn from others and just in our own small worlds. Sometimes we should listen other people's opinion and suggestion. Because all the decision we make which the outcoming is not always the correct. Learning is the important job that we have to do every day. Even you were old or had many experinces which you still might have wrong concept. Thus people who use the volient to solve any problem is not allow in any countries.

How come?

I realize that you had kept my MSG for so long when Shawn told me just before. I can’t believe that how can you still keep it in your cell phone. But it has been more than a year I haven’t kept in touch with you and now you are in the military…..I really miss you and want to get you back but….I don’t know should I do this or not. I always wonder if I were still in BNE what would my life be? I bet it will be definitely better than my life I have now. Actually I can’t wait to go abroad for long term studying, because I can enjoy my life there and I can feel free to do anything instead of staying here and doing nothing. Anyway Bong…I did really hope that I can meet you again and talk until next morning like good old days……

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's times like these I really wonder why I wasn't enough. Why you had to have more, something I couldn't give you. Something I couldn't be.I hate when people smoke and they don't inhale. You're not cool, people don't like you more, and you're pissing away your money. Way to go, buddy.Bemusing enough, the way I treat people. Why do they stand for it? What joy can that possibly bring? Being talked down to isn't enough? What else do I have to do for you to get the hint?Why do you come back all of a sudden? Make me think of us, make me think of what went wrong. I don't like remorse, I don't like knowing I was a fool and couldn't see the truth. Please... just disappear again.Maybe I should learn to live life at the age I am, not worrying about what's to come.


Today is a new day and I’m glad because Saturdays are my days to relax. I woke up just a few minutes ago with the pain from the week’s activities. I’m not rushing to get up from my bed at all because once I get up I know that my father will have a number of chores for me to do.
I am so ready for my mom to come back home. She has the ability to do a billion things at once and still have a smile on. We are trying to take a little stress off of her because she hasn’t been doing to good. Her dad, my papa is in the hospital right now and she has been taking it really hard. She is with him right now and I hope everything is going well so keep her in your prayers everyone please.
On a happier note, I get to bond with my brother, sister, and daddy. I am really close with my mother so it’s nice to get that same relationship with them too. Today we are going out to have lunch and hang out. I don’t know how that is going to turn out but hopefully all will be fun.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To Janice & Kennis

I really want to say thank you to Janice. First, we always study together, eat together sometimes exercise together. I appreciate that she always there for me and help me for many things. I would like to answer her question when she confused with English. I don’t feel how silly the question is and I feel glad that I can help her out. However, I don’t feel shamed to ask her question, because I know that we learn together and become better together. She works so hard on studying and achieves her goal. Also Kennis is really a nice girl and always gives me a hand when I need it. She always works out with Janice and me. I can’t describe how nice both two people I met in CHU in words. I am really LUCKY ….really….Thanks Kennis always let me bother you and Janice …..I always laugh Really Loudly…..haha~~AGAIN….THANK YOU GIRLS ALWAYS BY MY SIDE…

Saturday, November 29, 2008

staving for love.This has become my new motto. Yesterday I thought for sure I was falling back into depression and I have never prayed so hard in my life. I prayed for everything, I prayed that this guy would like me the way I like him, I prayed for Janey, I prayed for my mom I prayed for strength to lose weight, I prayed for courage, hope and that I wouldn't fall into the dark hole of depression. I was just barely out of since my last time.I woke up today feeling a lot better even though I started out wrong by eating pancakes :P but I went shopping and got a lot of stuff! It also made me feel amazing because I fit in a medium in American eagle, FINALLY! I got some clothes, a bag COACH ......gonna be better and a fresh start. :)

Friday, November 28, 2008


DAMN...... Why do I become SOOO FAT?? I used to like 44~45 KG but NOW 54 KG....I don't know why can I eat soo much things recent years. My mom always tells me that I used to really skinny before I went abroad for years but after I came back everything is changed. I throw all my clothes aways coz all of them are S, and now I should wear M...>_<But now I go to swim almost everyday and I don't have dinner even I am really hungry..Now I am losing weight .......and I can feel that my jeans are more space for me to fit in with.....Hope I will be in HOT SHAPE in few months...
Those girls in the pictures are sooooooo HOT...When Can I become like them???

Issue:A person I will never forget

Since I got memory,grandfather is the one who I love so much. Because I am the youngest in my family. So he gave me lots of love and care. He always took care of me and bought lots of toys for me. But he passed away six years ago. Nevertheless,everytime I think of my grandfather,I can’t even stop crying.

My grandfather is always tender. We lived together,so there is a good relationship between us. I still remember when I was in junior high school. He was sick seriously. So he lived in the hospital for three years. Everytime when I saw my grandfather lie in bed with pain,my heart really hurt. If I could,I did really want to share his sorrow. While I am alone,the memories I had with my grandfather always come to my mind.
When I was a little girl,I loved to sit on his legs and played with him. Everytime I came home,he was the first one who I wanted to talk to. Lots of memories stay deep in my heart. Not just a few words can describe how much I love him.

To me,he is not only my grandfather but also my best friend. Until now I can’t stop crying when I think of him. If I could,I really want to tell him that I love him and miss him so much. No matter how long it will be,my grandfather will be in my heart forever.


For me, this line is so thin and painful that I would much rather erase it completely out of my life. It hurt to realize that my best friend turn out to be just one of my close friends and that I'm actually not as special to her as she was to me. It hurt that she still has not realized that our friendship is no longer the way it was. It hurt to know that she will probably never notice and may not even care enough to. It's not her fault. Every time she hurt me, I would hid my tears and forgave her. Every time she said somethings offensive to me, I would smile and kept my silence. Every time she took advantage of me, I would let it go and tricked myself into believing that she won't do it again. Every time she took her anger out on me, I would felt helpless that I couldn't make her feel better and quietly turn myself into her punching bag...She didn't not know then and still doesn't know now. .....sigh.....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Whale war

After watching the video of hunting the whale, I felt so sad and terrible. I can’t believe that at mean time many people try so hard to protect the whale but some of others try to kill them for food and sell out for money. Have they ever thought about whale’s feeling? They are really smart and thoughtful. However, Japanese said that they hunt the whale for research but at same time they might sell it for money. Japanese government does not solve this problem and set the law to restrict hunting. However, there is an organization to protect the whale from being hunting.
Two sides war might last longer or one day it will stop when the whale are all disappear. But when they really disappear the ecological might lose balance. And there might be thousands of fish breed in the ocean and destroy the silence of ocean it used to be. Because human beings have the ability of killing so we have to take by force other creatures’ life? I think humans are really rude and cruel compared with other animals. So I really hope we can stop killing the animal.

Animal Rights

2. I think people who maltreat the animal should be fine seriously. For example,the fine should up to five thousand dollars, otherwise, they won't feel afraid of the punishment. Even more, some of them kill the dog for food should be put into the jail.Dog have the feeling and conscious same as human,but the difference between human and animal is they have no ability of speaking. They have their authority of living,so people who kill them should be fine and other punishment seriously.
Last time I saw the TV program which is the animal police in United State and they caught the people who maltreat the animal. And some of them did really put into the jail. I always wonder not only in Taiwan but also most of Asian countries have no such strict law to protect the animal. But I think the main problem is also the education, if they did not being well educated and they might have the wrong behavior. So the education and the law are both important to guide the right way to people.

3.The group’s obligation is to protect the animal from being maltreat. Because in Taiwan we have no animal police to protect them, hence there are some volunteer gather together and have the organization to protect the animal. It is really good that those enthusiastic people found this group. But I think the government should notice this issue and problem which is really important to most of the people who like the animal so much.

Winter Vacation

I can't wait for the winter vacation and plan the schedule for the 1month holiday. I don't think this time that I can go abroad for travelling with my parents, elder sister and brother. Because my elder brother can't go abroad during the military service. Sigh...and without him the whole trip might really boring. My family used to go abroad for travelling every winter and summer vacation. But this time we have to break this rule ...>_<>

Issue:Economic Recession

The whole world is facing the problem of global financial crisis and job riot. Living is hard nowadays and people are afraid of facing everyday that the whole world’s economic is getting worse. Therefore, the rate of people committing suicide is getting higher and higher. Everybody wants to ask when we will go through this hard time.

Nowadays, the price of article for daily use is much higher than the price before, but the pay we earn is getting lower and lower. Even the people who have master degree are hard to have a proper job to do. At least they still have a job to survive. Not only in Taiwan, but the whole world’s economic target United State is in the finance storm. Some analysts or Fed official say the poor economy likely last and may even get worse. I always wonder about my future and what kind of job I can really have. Are we really ready for this world? It’s the question in everyone’s heart but we never get the answer. Nevertheless, I think our government does not do effort to force those businessmen rising the price when the cost of raw materials kept rising ,reducing the product price when the raw materials become lower nowadays. In fact, all of politicians should do things for people not only saying the political slogan to deceive people. Some people say the economy is just like the four seasons in a year. Therefore, this time of economy cycle is facing the winter.

Last but not least, the only small effort we can do is saving the money and buying the stuffs which are on sale. Although, we still have a long way to go through, the most important thing is to cherish the things that we have now. Perhaps those things will disappear one day and not get them back anymore. Hence, go through the economic crisis is what we want in this moment.


As busy as I am, I still want to write something today.I don't know if its going to be long or short but it'll be a thoughtful piece.
It's ridiculous how many people I've told about my situation and still, after them asking me if I'm doing any better, I still don't understand how they know.I guess I keep forgetting. I feel like my mind and personality have returned to me, but I'm still frail and susceptible and afraid of getting hurt. I've lost my self-confidence and footage.. what I've built myself up to be the past few years has just crumbled and dissipated into thin air. I just want to be in my old life again.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Q1.In fact, lots of people cheat in test and assignment and they always use this way to pass the test. Nevertheless, not only in high school but also right now in University some of my classmate who did really cheat almost the time. Aspecially in university, the problem is really serious and it is hard to solve it. But in Taiwan ,teacher always lay emphasis on the SCORE but they don't really care about how much you really learn from school. Score is everything in Taiwan. So that's why students chose to cheat.

Q2. I think if you caught plagiarizing assignments in such as top excellent university in Taiwan, you would be given a falling grade and record a demerit or even expel from school. But I think in other poor private university in Taiwan , they don't really care about it. However, I think people who chose to cheat might give them a certain punishment which would sufficient deterrent it. But I prefer to have the punishment of a falling grade, and give those people who cheat in assignment and exam a chance.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I fail at eating

NO! That does not mean I'm anorexic, it just means that I'm picky about whats on my plate.
I won't eat CURRY, mushrooms, fish, seaweed, chicken feet, pig feet, etc. YUCK.
So today, my mom was going to kill me if I didn't eat her curry, I feel SO sick, I want to throw up so bad now...but I won't because :
A) After taste is NASTY

B) It gets stomach acid on my teeth, and I really wouldn't want my teeth to be digested
C) Bad breath!
Like, some curry is okay, but my mom's curry, OH MY GOD, I've been having to deal with it all my life, I mean she doesn't make it alot, but every time she makes it, I'm done for like 10000000000000 years. What's worse? She puts coconut milk in it, I want to throw up,I think this is punishment for not waking up early enough to study!!!

Horrible midterm exam

Well its been a while since I've updated.Anyway this was the BEST Weekend EVER!!!!! Coz I just finished the midterm exam except one subject ** linguistic** But I still feel free this weekend. One more thing, my brother came back for holiday this weekend which was really best time ever.Monday and Tuesday was really horrible and exhausted that I studied for almost 40 hours. And I studied so hard in libary instead of going back to my dorm for sleep. Hope I will get good grade.Also my companion Jennis kennis and阿光 ~~haha~~Hope we all have excellent score.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My thought of cheating

Well, in my personal opinion, I will give them a chance to fix their mistake. Sometimes, they don't think twice before make the decision. The meaning of education is to let student learn from school and the well behavior. So of course we should give them the chance of learning . However, the previous mistakes have already done; the one thing that I will let them do is to work harder than before and have more assignment for one month or more. Depands on how many mistakes they have done.

Actually I do not care about the classmate who plagiarism in this class. Because it is the chance that she/ he miss learning from here. But what if her/ his score is higher than me , I will tell him/her that do not make the mistake again and again. Maybe it is really difficult for him/ her to learn and write Englsih. But give it one step at a time , I sincerely believe that the English ability will elevate gradually.

Class assignment

1. Copying a few pages from Wikipedia and turning it in as your assignment.cheating
2. Asking someone else to write a few paragraphs of your paper for you—but you still do most of it.not cheating
3. Asking someone to proofread your assignment and fix the grammar mistakes for you.not cheating
4. Having someone read what you wrote and tell you if they can understand it or not. You take their ideas and fix what you wrote.not cheating
5. Using an article from an English language learning website by copying it and turning it in.cheating
6. Finding an article online that says exactly what you were thinking, so you just turn that in.cheating
7. Reading an article that you found online, thinking about it, and then writing a response in your own words.not cheating
8. Doing a writing assignment for one class and then turning it in for two, three, or even more classes because you are too busy to do another writing assignment.not cheating
9. Finding some writing online, but changing some of the verbs and nouns before you turn it in.cheating
10. Finding a paper online, but changing all of the verbs before you turn it in.not cheating
11. Copying an article that you found, but you don’t get caught so no one ever knows about it. cheating

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Making Decision
Growing up means making my own decision. When being a kid, I felt all the tough decision to my parents or elder brother and sister. With my gradual growth, I came to realize that they could not always stand by me; I had to learn to be totally independent.

I still remember the hardest decision I had ever made was that I went abroad to NZ. I was plunged into a dilemma. At that time, my parents were so involved in debts that I felt reluctant to reveal my intention to them. However, my enthusiasm for learning english encouraged me to implement the plan.
In a nutshell, life is always making decision. What the end comes relating to what you have done. Never give up and fight for your dream.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nothing to do with politics

It's nothing to do with politics,but something regarding your level, your attitude, the education you've received, and your emotional quotient.There are neaely half of people on your msn list, including me, have aleady bacome "trash", "animal", "low level", and "brainless", as you describes them/me like this on your nickname.So, if this is the only way you can state your opinions(since your ability is not allowing you to form a better sentence),please, write it somewhere else, and show respects to your freinds. And one more important thing is,I don't think you are good enough to call me animal,as you cant even form a polite expression, but I can.I am so grown! (like McSteamy in Grey's)Okay, apparently I cant write anything without bullshitting hahaha

Friday, November 7, 2008

I love every single one of my friends. It's so sad something like this has to happen for me and other people to realize just how important it is to keep your friends close. I mean, I haven't talked to some people in quite awhile over the most useless things. We all just need to forget about the bullshit that goes on and just be happy for the people we do have, and not let them go. Just think twice before you hold a grudge...
I've made mistakes and I just hope that other people can let it go and things can just go to how they were before. Maybe not how they were before, I just want things to be better than it is now. I can't go back and change what happened, but I miss you already and it's killing me. I'm just sorry.

I got stuck in the rally

I was damn tired last night( sorry for using such word, but I was really angry). Ok last night I finished the cram school at 5:30, then I waited for the bus at Taipei Train Station over 20 minutes. However, I used to wait for the bus only 5 minutes. And I took the MRT instead, I thought I could go home soon. But WHAT???? When I walked out the MRT station, I heared the really loud noisy. But I though it was too many people that's why it was like that. Now, not yet finished my terrible way home; I have to wait for the bus again, because there is no any MRT station near my home. Yet, I waited for it almost half hour, and it was like hunderds of people waited there.Therefore, I walked to another bus stop to wait for bus..............HOW COME?? There was a rally and thousands of people stood there. I GOT STUCK INSIDE WITH THEM. I couldn't walk out to other place.......I called my dad for emergency.....BUT IT WAS REALLY NOISY. Even my dad couldn't come there to pick me up. I couldn't find a police for help because they all the riot police and didn't answer my question, just stood there and stared at me. Even Police set up barbed-wire barricades to keep the protesters away from the Grand Hotel.However, I took taxi home...but I still got stuck in the traffic jam for nearly 3 hours. It was quite mess. Anyway, I really donno what are those people thinking about, and they are really like the riot. Those so-called political figures are all POLITICIANS. People just like thier dummy and election tool to let them reach thier own benefit. It was really like a political show. PLEASE .... stop doing thier DUMMY to be a celever people OK???

And think of those people who have to go home, and we are really tired of getting stuck in traffic jam....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

About love

I used to think of all the billions of people in the world, and of all those people, how was I going to meet the right ones? The right ones to be my friends, the right one to be my husband. Now I just believe you meet the people you're supposed to meet.

A handsome guy walked into your life. You fell in love. Or did you? Sometimes when you look back on a situation, you realize it wasn't all you thought it was.Do we really see each other for what we really are, or do we just see what we want to see, the image distorted by our own personal lenses?

Yes, it's true, we might see the right one somewhere down the street . There are thousand and thousand kinds of people in the world...But you happen in my life.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Question 1
The standard penalty for a first-time violation of the Honor Code is a one-quarter suspension and 40 hours of community service. If the student is in his/her final quarter of enrollment the standard practice is to convert the one-quarter suspension into a two-quarter delay in the conferral of the degree.
1.Disciplinary Warning:verbal or written notification that the student has not met the University's standards of conduct, and that a repeated offense will result in more serious disciplinary action.
2.Reprimand:a written statement censuring a student for violating University regulations, and stating that another offense will result in more serious action.
3.Restitution:requirement that the student compensate the University or other persons for damages, injuries, or losses. Failure to comply results in canceled registration and a hold on future registration.
4.Disciplinary Probation : action that places conditions on the student's continued attendance at the University, including the statement that further violation of University policies will likely result in dismissal.
5.Suspension:a written statement notifying a student that his or her enrollment has been suspended for a specific period of time for violating University policy.
6.Dismissal :a written statement notifying a student that his or her attendance at the University has been terminated for violating University policy.

Question 3
1.Utah reporter fired for plagiarism
A reporter who covered higher education for Utah's largest newspaper has been fired after being accused of plagiarism.

2. Websites offer students a new way to cheat.
A 30-page term paper of assianment but Richard finished it in one evening, cutting and pasting paragraphs off the internet for an online company that sells papers to desperate American college students. Any student who goes onto any of these websites is buying a plagiarised paper. The student who ordered the 30-page paper complained that the work wasn't original.
Richard said that he almost got fired for plagiarism, which he thought was pretty funny.

3.Katie Couric producer fired for plagiarism
A CBS News producer was fired and the network apologized after a Katie Couric video essay on libraries was found to be plagiarized from The Wall Street Journal.
After I have read those articles, I agree the punishment that school sets up for stander. Yet, those student who cheat in test is quite irresponsible. Now, our vacation is student and what we should do is accomplish our duty which is studying hard . The significance of going to school that the reason is elevating our knowledge and try to improve our shortcoming. However, examination is just the part of process that we can realize where we should still work hard on it. Therefore, teacher can know how much we have learned from the classes . In any case, we should study hard and be confident of ourselves.


Education and success
Everyone knows that education is essential for us. Yet, most of people believe that education is a short cut leading to success. It might not entirely true but it is a fundamental and efficient way to achieve our goal. That is to say, being successful depends on other abilities such as practical experience, opportunity or sometimes luck.
However, when we are in university which does offer a lot of courses and resources to let us strengthen our foundation. Thus, we can have more opportunities to compete with others. Nevertheless, we can find that most of successful person have excellent education background. Almost all of them graduated from master degree or kept learning even they had enough ability to cope with their works. Therefore, we have to delay enjoyment and get more professional knowledge and training in our learning process. Recent years, the economic recession has got worse; hence, lots of people complain that they have no opportunities to find the job yet they have advance degree. In fact, opportunities exist nearly everybody if you prepare already to grasp it. Taking me as an example, I had never thought that I could get the scholarship in university. I dare to say that I could not be successful if I didn’t study hard by myself. When my classmates plan to go out for fun, I always stay at dorm studying English instead. Because I do not attend to an excellent university, and that’s why I have to study hardcore to make up for it. Nevertheless, I believe in myself that I can success at last. Trying my best and being confident is the way that I always tell myself.
Last but not least, I firmly believe if we want to be a successful person, we must spare effort to complete our obligation or works. Attitude is always the main portion leading successful. Thus, we must study all our lives to improve our shortcoming.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I can't believe that I took bus to home around 1 am at night from Taipei Train station to Nei hu. Every time after I cheers, my friends always drive me home or I take taxi instead. But today I waited for the bus and it was 1 am at night. I was really afraid that I had missed the bus and I thought MRT service till 1 am. However, I was crazy today and I miss the time when I was abroad that I didn't have to go home until next day.Um....Anyway I really had fun time and I did spend 20 thousand dollar today....GOSH...I really out of my mind...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shopping and shopping

I woke up early today like 8:50 am. Because I went to 世貿 for buying the new digital camera. I used to have two cameras but I want to change the latest one. Hence, I bought the black one and it costs ten thousand dollar. It’s really nice and I hope that I can use it for years. Then I went shopping but I couldn’t believe that I kept buying. I bought one jacket at Sisley and another normal clothes at Tommy. Nearly 20 thousand burns in a morning. However, winter will be coming soon I THINK, so I should get more clothes for the new season right? haha~~What a close? If my mom came with me, we definitely bought more stuff. Because last night she told me that she had seen a new LV bag which she really wants to buy it.Ok then I wait for it also I can use it.


It's amazing how much I change and learn every year. I can honestly say that I've changed so much since the first day I started school as a freshman in university. There were some good times and of course the bad but it has been one hell of an experience and I wonder what the future has in store for me.

When I was around 18, I never thought of future but tomorrow. And I didn't care about anything, but I knew that I could buy lot of stuff by credit card. Until now, I realize that I should grow up and try to pursue my goal. I think that I did learn a lot in University.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you, and how many moments of other people's lives we've been in. Were we part of someone's life when their dream came true, or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there? Or did the shot take us by surprise? Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it.

The heart has reasons that reason does not know.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Internet Dating

The internet has grown fast these years all around the world. For example, the number of people using it for communicating or making friends. And I think it has changed our life in at least many ways. Nowadays, the hottest topic that people are concerned with must be the internet dating. However, it might has kind of hazardous but some of people still make friends on the internet. First, internet allows people to communicate on line, and the most of popular system is MSN. People like to chat on line with their friends or the new one that they just met on MSN. I cannot deny that I like to use it, either. However, through the MSN, we can meet many people different and some of them that we are afraid of talking face to face. Give it one step at a time, we are hardly to distinguish the real life from the fictitious life. When we read the news, we can learn that many young people make boy or girl friends on the internet while they meet in the chat room or the online game. After they had talked several times, they became the friends in the real life. But they never thought about what kinds of person that they had met on the internet. Even he or she becomes the part of important friends in their life. Nevertheless, we never knew the person that we met on line is good or bad. In my opinion, I do not think of it is a good way to meet people. The words or the way we talk and use on line must be different which compared with what we use in our real life. Hence, we hardly know a person deeply and entirely. On the other hand, we see people perfectly and no any defects through the internet dating. People definitely hide their real personality and try to show out the best of they can. Therefore, we have to be conscientious when we meet friends on line. I cannot surely say that people on the internet must be the villain but we have to protect ourselves. According to what I mentioned above, we cannot trust people so easily on the internet. And the most important thing is to protect ourselves when we meet a person that we do not realize them entirely.


Like an old photograph, time can make a feeling fade,but the memory of a first love never fades away.

I took this pic when I was 16 in NZ. I still remembered What I usually did on weekend was going to church. I like the people there and I could talk to myself deeply there. I remembered that I always woke up early and took the bus to school at 6am. It was really tired but I never felt lazy to go to school. I always wonder if I hadn't been to NZ, I might have stayed in TW as usual high school student. Then my life must be boring as usual.

It's true that I always miss my life in NZ or AUS. Because it was entirely different from my life now. But I still keep in touch with my friends whom I met in NZ & AUS. Some of them came back to TW, and we like to talk about the good old times. We are always close because we had lived abroad together for years.

But I am looking forward to going abroad for my master degree. And of course thanks my parents give me such an affluent life .I must be satisfied with my status quo.

Me and my Japanese classmate

Thursday, October 23, 2008

traffic accident

Three days ago, I went out with Jimmy and he drove the car. Ok everything seems perfectly and nothing odd. After we had took the Ferris Wheel at Miramar, we went to Dan Shui(淡水). Then we took walk there and it was about 9:30pm; he drove me home and everything still going well. However, on the way home, we passed through Shilin (士林)...................WOW.....suddenly we bumped into the car in back. I just had seen there was a taxi that suddenly stopped at crossroad, but it was too late to see it. Then we bumped into the taxi entirely. I freaked out totally and my mind suddenly went blank. At mean time, Jimmy got off the car and negotiated with that driver. Then I called 110 for help. While both Jimmy and I turned around and walked back to the car; how incredible that taxi driver escaped instantly. But we didn't write down his license plate. We still waited for the police but 5 min. past then we still waited and waited. At last, Jimmy decided to leave but the police called me about 10 min. after. He said actually that we have to pay for that taxi and the police would fine us for hundreds. Because it was our fault that bumped into the car in back, even he stopped there. Anyway but we still fine, and it cost 16 thousand to fix his car ......But I don't need to pay for it....What a close!

Sometimes I wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is there still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable, left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us.
Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie.

Sometimes when you're young, you think nothing can hurt you. It's like being invincible. Your whole life is ahead of you and you have big plans. Find your perfect match, the one that completes you. But as you get older, you realize it's not always that easy. It's not until the end of you life that you realize that the plans you made were simply plans. Because at the end, when you're looking back instead of forward, you want to believe that you made the most of what life gave you. You want to believe that you are leaving something good behind. You want it all to have mattered......I miss my life that I had....

See off

Sigh~~Don't want to think of it and always thought it still long way to go. But it did really comes OCT.22. All my family woke up early and the atmosphere was SAD. I really don't want to believe that my brother has to leave me for a long time. When we arrived Taipei Train Station, I saw lots of people there; then I asked that staff how many people are there for joining the military?? The answer is 400. Pity them. They still young but why do they have to spend almost one year staying in that kind of environment. When they went to the platform, I cried like a baby and then see him off. I think of him these two days, and I always wait for his calling. I can't wait to see him soon.

Monday, October 20, 2008


1. I think it is hard to say how much that girl should get per month or to persuade people how many things we can achieve successfully by our ability. Not only in Taiwan but many countries have this problem. People always regard that girls are tender and lack of working ability. I think Taiwan's cultural is one of the reasons that we always live in patriarchy’s society and we always think girls should stay at home doing housework. However, this stereotype gradually be changed and we accept girls have their own career. I think it’s really hard to change this concept instantaneously. Give it one step at a time, we will have more and more girls walk out from the kitchen to the office. What’s more, this issue would be solved sooner or later; School and society should work together and give people different concept. I think there will be no problem but change one step a time.

3. In my personal opinion, our society always gives the pressure to no matter male or female. We have the stereotype deep in our mind and can’t even get rid of it easily. For example, boys can’t cry out like girls express their emotion,boys should be brave to do anything and girls must be afraid of anything or should be like princess. Why do we have those idea in our mind? The reason is that our educations teach us like this and mass media spread out these kinds of message to the audience. we step by step accept this concept and use this way to judge people what you should do and shouldn’t do. Furthermore, why girls wear skirt or dress but boys have to wear pants. There are no any laws to tell people should be followed this way; We never really ponder why we should be like this. We absorb those concepts and try to be like this model type. It’s not our fault but the education and society have this traditional thinking pattern. So what we can do is following it and always like this.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goodbye and I am missing you

These past few weeks I've missed someone more than anything in the world. Saying goodbye probably has to have been one of the hardest things I've done. Do not even want to think of it, but I should and it's all on my mind. What should I do? Join the military service with him?? Or hide him under our basemant? All the ideas are useless and ridiculous. However, my elder brother's leave might hurt me really deep. We can't fall asleep until we finished the Pillow Talk. We can't even discuss English together and you are always there helping me. What's more? I can't see you when I am home but your stuff lefts in our room. I am crying even now I just typing some words. Please god helps my brother through all the obstacle and be safe whenever he is. My blessing will follow you and always there.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My life is monotonous

Often times I sit up late at night and think about my day. Lately, I have nothing to ponder about, it's just life. I go from school to cram school and then home .When does the cycle end? I obviously don't want to leave any of the previous list so that is out of the question. I just wish that some days I could take a deep breath and actually breathe. I mean, my life isn't complicated or elaborate in any manner, I just feel as though I don't stop. If only I could sleep maybe this heaviness on my chest may subside and I might be able to fully comprehend where my life is leading me. Because, at this point, I feel as though my life is monotonous and going no where fast. Maybe I'm just too young to be able to know exactly where I want to go in life.

So that's mean I'm exhausted , can't think of anything to write anymore....As the topic MY LIFE IS MONOTONOUS.

Tainted Milk Formula

Several babies have died and at least thousand of children have fallen ill after drinking tainted milk formula from China. Recent days, people are living in the panic when we are eating anything related to milk powder with the source materials from China. The reason is that contain the melamine which do harm our health, but the official government do not solve and put emphasis on this problem immediately.

Furthermore, the official even can’t make clear how much ppm can be added in the food and dairy products. Some of really famous and trustful food product companies also use the tainted milk formula from china and it has been used for years. I dare to say most of us had already eaten tainted and chemical harmful food inside our body. If today this event were not erupted, we would eat more tainted products in our stomach. Nowadays, more and more materials and manufacture foods are made from china, and we can’t even avoid eating it or buying it. Because of lots of businessmen are trying to hide the truth where the material really came from and by this way they can gain more illegal money from customers. Obviously, not only does our government has to take responsibility to this event but China’s related organizations have to be strictly to control the food quality. However, the event had already happened so the following steps we should do more carefully. For example, we should check the expiration date when we bought the foods, where the materials came from and what the ingredients were contained in it. I think it is only the way that customers can do and protect themselves.

In a word, I learn a lot from this time, because I always think the food we can buy or displayed in the shop are always safe and they are through food inspected. But the truth is not exactly what I am supposed to know. After this issue, sooner or later the customers will be more clever and carefully when they buy the product. Last but not least, our government should really wonder and introspect why they always could not solve the problem initiatively and take it responsibility. The simple thing we need and require is eating safely.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I wanna change my life style...because I am really tired...

I'm just not willing to sacrifice time for what is more important for me in the long term. well,is it more important? I'm not sure if it even matters. I guess that's why I'm not going for it. Instead I'm wasting my time on things that do not benefit me. Maybe, I really don't care that much about it anymore.
Maybe it's too much to ask because we've all got too much stuff to do. There are just too many goals to accomplish, and too many dreams to reach.This is the time when we all act like others are nothing and we are everything; in simpler words, it's when we act selfishly. It's when we put others down in order to reach the top.

I just have to keep reminding myself that the past is the past...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking at my past and my series of unfortunate events,I never came to believe that I will experience this feeling again.I always thought that I knew what I was doing,and that I knew how to read the opposite since I have been through so much,and yet,three times,they proved me wrong.It's not that I didn't want to learn my lesson,but like everyone else,when there was hope,all I wanted to do was give in,and wait and wait to see if that little glimpse of hope would turn into something...Something real...
I was so close to giving up. So close to breaking down. So close to dying.But I through the rain and be stronger again.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Enviornment Protection Issue

We are encountering a sever problem with the accumulation of garbage on account of the increasing population and rapid industrial development. Excess trash inside or outside the home is inevitable to draw such pests as rats, flies and cockroaches, which carry viruses and infection disease. Mold and bacteria also grow on rubbish and do harm to our health. Indeed, the rapid- increasing amount of junk is threatening the environment as well as our health.

We have the ability to diminish garbage by transforming waste into valuable resources. Such materials as glass, metal , and paper are able to be reprocessed into new products. Kitchen scraps can be made into compost, which can be added to soil to help plants grow. Besides, we are supposed to pick out reusable, not disposable, products and avoid buying over-packaged goods.

Last but not least, we can donate our old furniture and household items for recycling. If we carry out these above-mentioned steps, we will certainly lessen the amount of rubbish.


That is all I want to know is WHY things happen...Things arent too hot right now.A lot of stuff going wrong and not much to smile about,but whatever thats life right? When life gives you lemons make lemonade?But sometimes I feel like I was given lemons to make orange juice,like everything seems impossible to make right now.Im sorry if this sounds like an emotion entry but I just wonder why things happen and whatever. Anyway I always think of why?? But I believe I am really the lucky one, I don't have to work part time for money and do whatever I want with parents' support. I am really LUCKY.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A walk to remember

Well, why do I mention this story again? You must believe how beautiful it is, and have to see it whatever novel or movie. Trust me, it's worth reading and then you difinitly will burst into tears.

This is the best movie I have ever seen, and the only one movie I ever wanted to cry like a little daddy girl while watching it .

Actually this movie has been out for a long time,but this movie I would never ever forget. Ok then I tell you about the plot in brief. Jamie and Landon ( the two main actress and actor)both of two people have nothing in common and everything to learn from each other. In the begining, Landon is kind of ganster in school but Jamie is greatly opposite to him,but gradually Landon fell in love with her and even knew that she had already changed his life. Unfortunately, one day Jamie told him that she had cancer and she uesd to get alone well with everything and then he happened. Then I sobbed my heart out when he asks her to marry him and marries her in the same church as her mom got married.

Unfortunately in the end, Jamie is dead and Landon became a doctor.

What can I say, a walk to remember is my most favorite movie and novel.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I wanna have NATURE POWER ability

Maybe it sounds silly, but how about I do really have it?? GIMME SOME TIME TO BUILD THIS OK? haha~~I had this thought yesterday,so what if we had this ability to see people's lives? When you're sitting on the MRT, and there's all these strangers who brush up against you as you naively listen to your ipod and read the free newspaper. At meantime, you just gaze straight at somebody,and you can learn his name is John(or whatever). Yet, do not let me see the ghost, because I compeletely have no cutiosity about it and I am abosolutely so scared to death. It's not that infantile, but the reason is that I did really watch too many horror movie. I will quit watching it sooner or later, I promise.Anyway back to the topic,if I did really had this kind of power, I think that I might open a store and survive by this. haha~~Ok time to sleep.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hope you will be fine

Sometimes it's just indescribable.The way things are revealed to you.No matter how many times you stumble.There's always forgiveness and room to improve.What can I say, I feel so blessed.So grateful for everything.Knowing what really matters.

I don't wanna cry, but I can't control myself. I don't even want to think of it, but it always come up my mind. I don't even want to say goodbye to you, because you are always by my side. That's why we are sooooo close. My elder brother gonna join the one year military service, I don't know how to describe my feeling right now. Actually, I want to cry instead of typing the words.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

English AGAIN

Yes, I should be studying right now, but I needed to update...well, so far school is school. A little bit different than last year, but it holds a new lesson or lessons than last year did. Hopefully they won't be as hard. Anyways, I need to have a more positive attitude about it I But yea, pray that I rely on God all through this semester, becacause I tend to rely on myself too much.

After these days cram school, I am sure that I acquire lots of grammar skill from starting learn it. I won’t give up learning English I am sure.And I will spare no efforts to acquire more English ability.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Enviornment Protection Issue

In recent years, the rapid decrease of animal species and the global warming, more and more people realize the importance of environment protection. It's governments' responsibility to make environment protecting policies also to survey the environment conditions.

A lot of pollution comes from the factories and governments should survey their working condition regularly. If anyone sends off pollution illegally, the government should fine them seriously. We live in this world and it is our duty to protect our earth. First of all, we should have the consciousness to protect the environment. Secondly, we should start from what we do daily. Take me for example, I always ride the bike with my family from Nie Hu to dan shui. It takes me one and half hours by going there, but it is not tired at all. At present time, ride the bike instead of driving is really popullar in Taipei. Therefore, you can see lots of cycling team pass you by on the street.

I am really glad that I can do a little effort to make this world better, and I hope everyone can do their effort to this world too.

To sum up, Polar bear face the problem of extinction very quickly. I did really hope human being can think about it deeply.

About L.O.V.E

You know it's amazing how time goes by. Certain days feel like they last forever, you can feel like you have known someone forever when you have known them for a week, and when you are hanging out with someone you enjoy time slips away. I am 20 years old, and often times I feel like I am still 16. Its hard....

I've got a word of advice for whoever comes across this. Don't ever fall in love with your best friend, because sooner or later you won't be able to hang out with them anymore. Everytime you do your heart breaks a little more and then you will feel like you have no one, you will feel like someone hit you with a truck. You'll go to bed lonely and not want to wake up because everything you see will remind you of them. And you'll be all alone. Sadness is kinda comforting.It's really comforting when you can't remember the time before this when you were actually sad and not angry. I wish I could be angry instead, because when you are angry, your insides don't hurt, you don't hurt until later, when you're sad it always hurts.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My fish

I'm lost and confused now. I just lost one of the best friends I've ever had. He and I went from high school to college together. He was always there for me, especially during those hard periods of transition. I would rant about how much I hated school and how much I hated everything surrounding me. And he would just look up and me and make little burp bubbles. We spent a lot of sick days together.

He is the inspiration for the entire last 2 years in my life . Nevertheless, the two dogs in my family always like to look at him and play with him. He listened to my joys, too--the few good moods I had, summers, graduation. I have many successes that wouldn't have taken place without him. My scholarships at CHU also when I was in AUS, he is always there for me even he is in TW.

I could come to him with anything. Life will be very different without him. And of course,he will always be my FISH.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I guess it will be nice to have certain freedoms, to be seen as an "adult," but I feel like that's not news.Soo many years have gone already, I've learned so much. I felt like I was being an adult just coming back from AUS & NZ. What does it mean to be an adult anyway? Something I read the other day was saying the only difference is experience, not necessarily intelligence. Most kids are much smarter than so-called adults.

They see the world so plainly, directly, just as it is.While we hide behind and turns of alleyways or curtains of mists to hide what we want to say but still say it indirectly or to get what we want without showing that we want it explicitely.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My opinion of differ major

In my opinion, I don't agree that study just only for profit or earn the money. Every majors must has their main point and the meaningful thinking pattern. Some people said, we can be elevated by studying for advance degree. I definetely believe the way some people think about, not only can we input ourself but also we have different thinking pattern than others who have not be educated a lot. Furthermore, school provides diversity type of majors is for the reason that student can experience differ point of views in many ways. University education system is really open minded ,and students can give a try to many things.

However, people come to school not only just for how much can we earn when we started one's work career. We even can earn a lot from school that we can't buy it even you are rich or how higher degree you had already got.

At last, people have to keep learning anytime. No one is perfect or right. Trying to improve ourself is what we have to learn.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Life's game

This video game impressed me so much because I have never knew this video game before. The one of the main topics I am interested in is distance learning. The distance learning is getting more popular nowadays, which may be the method of learning one day, but there were few people knowing how to do or what to do. There are too many things we need to consider. For example, teachers don't know their students are learning hard or not or this system may need high speed internet or high quality computer set. These equipment's cost could be the pressure for parents. Thinking second life is a powerful tool.

Nevertheless, I believe it will happen in the future and be normal for people to live with. What's more, I really want to give a try as soon as possible.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Responsibility for environment protection issue

Enviornment protection is very important. In order to have a beautiful environment , not only government , but also all the citizens should work together. The deterioration of environment is a common problem in many countries. Nearly all governments have take measures to alleviate this situation.

However, concerns for environmental issue should be shared by the general public. Individuals ought to make conscious efforts to save energy and to keep our environment clean. In fact there are many things that the individuals can do. For example, we should try to reduce our dependence on privare car, use bicycles or take public transportation more often. By doing so, not only do we save energy and therefore reduce the release of CO2, which is a major greenhouse gas, we also become more healthy riding bicycles.

In addition, we can use more products made from recycled materials. Nevertheless, we should stop using plastic bags and disposable chopsticks which bring convenience but pollute the environment .

In a word, there are many things individuals can do to take our environment clean. If these efforts are shared by more people, we'll have a better life. And left a beautiful world for our sons.